Resultaat 1 - 20 (van 1271)
Kirsten Jassies | Joyce Nafzger Instaproof
Wat moet je doen om een succesvol account op Instagram te hebben? Twee bekende 'Instagrammers' geven tips. Met veel kleurenfoto's. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Nederlands | 151 pagina's | Snor, Utrecht | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Michael Pilarczyk Design your own life
kies je eigen toekomst
Ontdek wie je bent en haal het beste in je naar boven. Van 11 t/m 18 jaar.
Nederlands | 304 pagina's | Invictus, Amersfoort | 2024
Gedrukt boek
Bas van Teylingen Help! Mijn kind zit op YouTube
voor alle volwassenen die nog steeds denken dat elke YouTuber een vlogger is...
Wat trekt kinderen aan op YouTube? Lees ook over het ontstaan van YouTube, de aantrekkingskracht voor jongeren en do's en don'ts als ze zelf YouTuber willen worden. Voor opvoeders met kinderen van ca. 6 t/m 13 jaar.
Nederlands | 218 pagina's | FC Klap, [Hilversum] | 2019
Gedrukt boek
Jan-Willem van den Brandhof Leer als een speer
Methoden en praktische tips om makkelijker, sneller en vooral leuker te leren. Met aandacht voor o.a. mindmapping en sneller lezen. Bevat veel kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Nederlands | 152 pagina's | Boom, [Amsterdam] | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Hanneke van der Marel Puberpower
succes is een keuze
Ontdek welke talenten je hebt en hoe kun je ze kunt inzetten om iets te bereiken. Met aandacht voor onder andere gezond leven, sporten, motivatie, goede planning en omgaan met emoties, Met stripachtige kleurentekeningen. Vanaf ca. 14 jaar.
Nederlands | 159 pagina's | Van Duuren Management, Culemborg | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Guido De Grefte Natte sokken
Bente gaat in zaken
Het bedrijf van de vader van Bente (11) dreigt te worden overgenomen. Daardoor loopt ook de ontwikkeling van een belangrijk medicijn gevaar. Bente wil helpen en richt zelf een bedrijf op. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
Fictie | Detectiveroman
Nederlands | 193 pagina's | Clavis, Hasselt, Amsterdam [etc.] | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Ali Niknam Ondernemers hebben nooit geluk
In 'Ondernemers' hebben nooit geluk vertelt Ali Niknam openhartig over de obstakels en valkuilen die elke ondernemer tegenkomt op de route naar zelfverwezenlijking en succes. Hoe neem je de juiste beslissingen, hoe ga je om met tegenslagen en wat doe je als het écht misgaat? Ali gaat in op deze en andere levens- en ondernemersvragen. Zijn boek geeft ‘een fascinerende inkijk in de begindagen van een topondernemer’, aldus Robert van den Ham, hoofdredacteur van De Ondernemer. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 3 uur 46 minuten (217 MB) | Lind & Co, Stockholm | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Patricia Veldhuis Wie wil er voor de klas?
Wat er misgaat in het onderwijs en hoe het beter kan
Het gebrek aan leraren is de grootste crisis in het Nederlandse onderwijs en het tekort loopt almaar verder op. Uit pure nood worden klassen naar huis gestuurd en vakken niet meer gegeven. Waarom kiezen zo weinig mensen voor het leraarschap? Waarom haken zoveel docenten af? En wat moet er gebeuren om de tekorten op te lossen? Om daarachter te komen, stond NRC-journalist Patricia Veldhuis zelf zeven maanden voor de klas op een middelbare school. In Wie wil er voor de klas? combineert ze haar ervaringen...
Nederlands | 6 uur 31 minuten (375 MB) | Lind & Co, Stockholm | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Building Resilience - Introduction
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series delves in to building resilience. This episode is an introduction to the four core elements of building personal resilience. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining...
Engels | 6 minuten (5 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Learning About Our Early Warning Signs
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. The focus of this episode is to learn about your early warning signs, and how emotions show up in your body. This episode also teaches about how to use these signals to catch yourself before you derail. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High...
Engels | 11 minuten (8,2 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Sustainable High Performance - Introduction
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. In this part of the podcast series, Eriksson focuses on sustainable high performance. This episode offers an introduction to how our brain and nervous system responds to stressor and the effects of cognitive functioning. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced...
Engels | 8 minuten (5,9 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Exploring three Dimensions of Motivation and Happiness
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series delves in to building resilience. This episode explores how we’re able to reflect on the three different aspects of motivation and life satisfaction through positive psychology. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant,...
Engels | 9 minuten (6,8 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Navigating in Complexity - Introduction
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series provides a guide to navigating uncertainty. In this episode, Joakim Eriksson introduces you to how our brain responds to uncertainty and principles for staying open and creative when facing complex challenges. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations,...
Engels | 3 minuten (2,5 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Seeing Similarities in Others
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. In this part of the series, Joakim Eriksson focuses on how to collaborate across divides. This episode is about seeing similarities and provides a guided practice to enhance sense of understanding and connection with others. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced...
Engels | 9 minuten (6,6 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Staying Smart Under Pressure - Introduction
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. In this episode, Joakim Eriksson introduces the principles of maintaining a balanced mind. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves...
Engels | 5 minuten (4,2 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Resetting to Calm
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. In this part of the podcast series, Eriksson focuses on sustainable high performance. In this episode, Joakim Eriksson delves in to the practice of resetting to shift body and mind into restitution mode. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant,...
Engels | 5 minuten (3,8 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Collaborating Across Divides - Introduction
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. In this part of the series, Joakim Eriksson focuses on how to collaborate across divides. This episode is an introduction to the three aspects of empathy and how they influence our ability to collaborate. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership...
Engels | 8 minuten (6,1 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Open Awareness Meditation
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series provides a guide to navigating uncertainty. This guided meditation delves into open awareness meditation, and how to open your mind to new ideas and impressions. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim...
Engels | 10 minuten (7,5 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Flow Writing To Get To Know Our Thoughts
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. In this guided meditation, Joakim Eriksson talks about how flow-writing can be used to sort out your thoughts. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High Performance In Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim...
Engels | 8 minuten (6,3 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joakim Eriksson Finding our Inner Compass
Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This part of the series delves in to building resilience. In this episode, Joakim Eriksson guides you to finding your inner compass. He does this by introducing a guided reflection on how to find the sweet spot between what you are good at, passionate about, and what the world needs. Leadership Meditations - Sustainable...
Engels | 5 minuten (4,2 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)