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Frans Verhagen Founding Fathers
de grondleggers van de Verenigde Staten
Leven en werk van de groep vooraanstaande Amerikaanse burgers die in 1776 de Onafhankelijkheidsverklaring opstelden en in 1789 de Amerikaanse Grondwet.
Nederlands | 265 pagina's (ePub2, 7,4 MB) | Omniboek, Amsterdam | 2016
Hendrik Van Loon Thomas Jefferson
the serene citizen from Monticello who gave us an American way of thinking and who gained worldwide renown by his noble understanding of that most difficult of all the arts, the art of living, as he felt that it should be practiced in the Republic of which he was one of the founders
Engels | 106 pagina's | Dodd, Mead & Company, New York | 1943
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