Resultaat 1 - 10 (van 10)
Aby Hartog | Sander Hartog Mag je zeggen wat je vindt?
en andere belangrijke vragen over normen en waarden
Diefstal is verboden, maar wie bepaalt wat van wie is? Mag je liegen als je daarmee iemands leven redt? Thema's als vrijheid, vervuiling, discriminatie en jaloezie worden van alle kanten bekeken. Met kleine kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 9 t/m 12 jaar.
Nederlands | 144 pagina's | Em. Querido's Kinderboeken Uitgeverij, Amsterdam | 2017
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Floris van den Berg Het spook van woke
een vrolijk vaccin tegen cancel culture, identiteitspolitiek en ander onheil
Bespreking van verschillende maatschappelijke tendensen en opvattingen die de vrijheid van meningsuiting en open debat verzwakken, in Nederland en in de westerse wereld.
Nederlands | ePub2, 1,5 MB | Aspekt, [Soesterberg] | 2023
Karel van het Reve Karel van het Reve voor beginners
een keuze uit zijn kortere stukken
Bundel met uiteenlopende columns en essays met als grondtoon de auteurs grenzeloze vertrouwen in de vrijheid van meningsuiting.
Fictie | Verhalenbundel
Nederlands | ePub2, 1,8 MB | Van Oorschot, Amsterdam | 2019
Bisrat Woldemichael Handiso Genocide of thought
censorship in Ethiopia
Bisrat Woldemichael Handiso (1983) is an Ethiopian journalist who worked as an editor for different local newspapers. He was one of the founders of the Ethiopian Journalists Forum (EJF), an independent association made up of largely young journalists who advocate for greater press freedom in his country. In this function he ran trainig workshops and discussions on press freedom, visited journalist in prison and hospital and facilitated medical assistance for them. EJF was accused of being an illegal...
Engels | 58 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2015
Dina Meza Kidnapped
censorship in Honduras
Freedom of expression in Honduras has been kidnapped. Those who are afraid of the truth attempt to imprison it in the depths of the earth. Kidnapped seeks to expose the problems for freedom of expression in journalism and literature in Honduras, the forms of censorship that have been introduced to conceal the truth, but also the creativity of Hondurans who refuse to be defeated in the face of this oppressive system. Kidnapped describes how the Honduran state, responsible for protecting this right,...
Engels | 72 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2015
Sofie Sun Drugs for the mind
censorship in China
In the eyes of the Chinese authorities books are too often Drugs for the Mind. Sofie Sun (1986) chose this remarkable description as the title of her investigation into censorship and literature in the People's Republic of China. She interviewed representatives of three groups of authors who each have their own view about censorship: writers with no official status living and working in the People’s Republic of China, writers in exile, and those who are members of the Chinese Writers Association....
Engels | 104 pagina's (ePub2, 1,7 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2015
Bui Thanh Hieu Speaking in silence
censorship in Vietnam
In the holiday paradise Vietnam, social media are allowed only to provide and exchange personal information. Bloggers and cyberdissidents who dare to question the government’s legitimacy or domestic policies are ruthlessly suppressed. Political blogger Bui Thanh Hieu (1972) nevertheless uses the Internet to criticize politically hot topics, such as Vietnam’s territorial claims within China as well as its handling of land disputes with the Catholic Church. In response to this, Hieu was arrested, his...
Engels | 57 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2015
Joost Zwagerman Hitler in de polder & Vrij van God
Twee polemische bijdragen aan het multiculturele debat.
Nederlands | ePub, 0,6 MB | Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam | 2011
Nicola Edwards Meningsuiting
Aan de hand van verhalen van kinderen uit de hele wereld wordt duidelijk gemaakt dat alle kinderen recht hebben op een eigen mening en hoe zij dat invullen. Met kleurenfoto's. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
Nederlands | 28 pagina's | Corona, Etten-Leur | 2005
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Scarlett MccGwire Censuur
veranderende standpunten 1900-2000
Overzicht van allerlei vormen van beperking van de vrijheid van meningsuiting in de 20e eeuw, voorzien van veel illustraties in kleur en zwart-wit. Vanaf ca. 13 jaar.
Nederlands | 63 pagina's | Corona, Harmelen | 2000
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