Alles van: E.K. Johnston
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E.K. Johnston Pretty furious
Engels | 206 pagina's | Dutton Books, New York | 2024
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E.K. Johnston The druid's call
"Tucked among the ancient pines of the Ardeep Forest hides the Emerald Enclave, an order of warriors tasked with preserving the natural world. They fight to maintain balance between the forces of the wild and civilization, and in doing so, protect the sanctity of each. Among their order, Doric begins to find power in her differences. But not all her fellow initiates are so capable of new growth, and as her training continues, Doric is forced to confront the very beliefs that brought her into the...
Fictie | Science fiction
Engels | 284 pagina's | Random House Worlds, New York | 2023
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E.K. Johnston The afterward
Kalanthe, bijna ridder en Olsa, een dief, zijn teruggekeerd van de tocht van hun leven, het redden van de wereld. Maar hun eigen leven weer oppakken, met alle moeilijkheden blijkt erg lastig. Vooral wanneer ze van elkaar gescheiden worden. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Historische roman | Science fiction
Engels | 337 pagina's | Penguin Books, New York | 2020
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