Alles van: Maurits Falkenreck
Resultaat 1 - 2 (van 2)
Maurits Falkenreck Neerwaarts Nederland
een ondernemend antwoord op het verval van de verzorgingsstaat
Kritiek vanuit een populistische invalshoek op de verschraling van de verzorgingsstaat en de falende innovatiecultuur in Nederland.
Nederlands | 174 pagina's (PDF, 4,7 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2019
Maurits Falkenreck Dutch decay
an entrepreneurial answer to the decline of the Dutch welfare state
In this book, Maurits v. Falkenreck describes the decay of the Dutch welfare state, and also presents his innovative projects to counter this decay. During his years as an innovator and entrepreneur, he discovered the failing innovation system and culture in which he was operating. This resulted in a sharp and refined analysis of what he calls 'The Political Ecosystem'. Based on this model and the philosophical concept of 'Model-Platonism', Falkenreck has created a thorough system analysis of Western...
Engels | 323 pagina's (PDF, 36 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021