Alles van: Adri Blonk
Resultaat 1 - 2 (van 2)
Adri Blonk Liefde
Betoog vanuit een christelijke spirituele visie over liefde, waarbij meesters uit de goddelijke wereld hun visie geven op menselijke problemen.
Nederlands | 175 pagina's (ePub2, 2,9 MB) | U2pi, Voorburg | 2017
Adri Blonk Love
Love and happiness: few people will not be looking for these things in their life. Sometimes the search takes up a lifetime. Especially where unconditional love and happiness are concerned, it is not an easy quest. People often look for the answer in money, possessions, prestige, power, relationships and the like. They tend to find that while these can contribute to short-term happiness, they are not a permanent solution. People need to look beyond these things to discover where they can find true...
Engels | 244 pagina's (PDF, 0,5 MB) | U2pi BV, Den Haag | 2019