Alles van: Mikkel Hofstee
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Mikkel Hofstee Primal human 2.0
how your ancestral genes affect your behavior today
Even though we've never been better off, obesity, depression, stress, and addictions to screen time and unhealthy food are rampant. Why is this happening? Primal Human 2.0 shows that we weren't made for our modern way of life. Our amazing ancient genes are struggling with all these everyday temptations and this is making us feel miserable. Stress, our age-old reaction to danger, is now one of the biggest killers on Earth because we're always 'on'. Our longing for rewards in the shape of 'likes' on...
Engels | ePub3, 0,9 MB | Water, Amsterdam | 2019
Mikkel Hofstee | Jane Goodall Oermens 2.1
oude genen in nieuwe tijden
Zelfhulpgids voor een gelukkigere en gezondere levensstijl in het spoor van onze prehistorische voorouder, de oermens.
Nederlands | ePub2, 2,2 MB | Uitgeverij Lucht, [Amsterdam] | 2021