Alles van: Peter Kapitein
Resultaat 1 - 2 (van 2)
Peter Kapitein How has it ever come to this?
a fresh look at healtcare
Healthcare is a sector changing at breakneck speed due to new technologies, fresh policies, years of cutbacks, and market forces. But is healthcare heading the right way, and are the developments ones which are happening in the interests of the patient, for whom the whole healthcare system was supposedly set up? Are we all being given optimum treatment? How heavily do commercial interests weigh against patient interests? In healthcare, is government largely concerned with the patient or with the...
Engels | 161 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | Water, Amsterdam | 2018
Peter Kapitein Hoe heeft het zover kunnen komen?
een frisse blik op de gezondheidszorg
Beschouwingen over de zorg in het algemeen en de zorg voor kankerpatiënten in het bijzonder en hoe die kan worden verbeterd.
Nederlands | 463 pagina's (ePub2, 0,8 MB) | Water, Amsterdam | 2017