Alles van: Rik Marselis
Resultaat 1 - 4 (van 4)
Rik Marselis | Berend van Veenendaal | Dennis Geurts | Wouter Ruigrok Quality for DevOps teams
To continuously deliver IT systems at speed with a focus on business value, DevOps teams integrate quality engineering in their way of working. This book supports teams in implementing quality in their DevOps culture, with practical examples, useful knowledge and some theoretical background. For example, it describes how to benefit from a CI/CD pipeline. TMAP is the body of knowledge for quality engineering in IT delivery and builds on practical experience from thousands of people in more than twenty-five...
Engels | 300 pagina's (ePub3, 13 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen | 2020
Tom van de Ven | Rik Marselis | Humayun Shaukat Testing in the digital age
Ai makes the difference
Testing in the digital age brings a new vision on test engineering, using new quality attributes that tackle intelligent machines and a roadmap split up in fi ve hops. With everything digital there are more possibilities for test automation and piles of (test) data growing out of control. Working together with robots (cobotics), using artifi cial intelligence in testing and eventually predict the occurrence of defects brings your testing to the digital age. We have interviewed companies on their...
Engels | 200 pagina's (ePub3, 1,6 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen | 2018
Arno Balemans | Rik Marselis Quality supervision
door regie naar het juiste resultaat
Quality Supervision Door regie naar het juiste resultaat Quality Supervision zorgt voor beheersing van de kwaliteit van een informatiesysteem door het voeren van regie tijdens de gehele levenscyclus. Regie voeren betekent het -stimuleren dat de juiste mensen met de juiste informatie, op het juiste moment de juiste activiteiten doen, om zo het juiste resultaat te bereiken. Bij de realisatie van dit boek was de inzet van René Roelands en Tjerk Sixma van onschatbare waarde. Hoe zorgt u voor samenhang...
Nederlands | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 5 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen ut | 2012
Rik Marselis | Ewald Roodenrijs The PointZERO vision
stop wasting time and money
"Stop wasting time and money PointZERO® is a vision aimed at increasing business success by parallel and step-by-step improvement across the application lifecycle, to shorten time to market, avoid and reduce cost, eliminate risk, and reach fit for purpose quality."
Engels | 151 pagina's (ePub, 5,4 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen UT | 2012