Alles van: Frans Bouman
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Frans Bouman | Marieta Koopmans Entrepreneurial leadership
Entrepreneurship is a latent skill present in a lot of people. Just look at how enterprising people are in their spare time, without being asked or paid for it! Organisations should do more to encourage entrepreneurship amongst their people. Because if people are inspired by something, they will often achieve excellent results and actually enjoy their work. In Entrepreneurial Leadership you will learn how to go about this. The authors show you how to integrate entrepreneurship for your employees...
Engels | 93 pagina's (ePub2, 2,1 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010
Frans Bouman | Marieta Koopmans Team leadership
People enjoy working in teams. An ideal team will work together efficiently, effectively and above all with pleasure. They set about achieving their personal and organisational goals together with enthusiasm. But experience teaches us that working in teams does not always match the ideal image we may have of it. A smooth running team demands a lot of patience on your part, insight into the psychological aspects of people and familiarity with team dynamics. Thats why you need a number of different...
Engels | 141 pagina's (ePub2, 1,9 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010