Resultaat 141 - 160 (van 167)
Good writers for young readers
critical essays
Gebundelde artikelen over verschillende Engelse jeugdboekenschrijvers.
Engels | 144 pagina's | Hart-Davis Educational, St Albans | 1977
Gedrukt boek
Melvyn Barnes Youth library work
exploratory essays
Engels | 113 pagina's | Bingley [etc.], London [etc.] | 1976
Gedrukt boek
Denis Gifford The British comic catalogue, 1874-1974
Engels | 210 pagina's | Mansell Information Publishing, London | 1975
Gedrukt boek
National Book League British children's books
Engels | 112 pagina's | N.B.L, London | 1973
Gedrukt boek
Victoria and Albert Museum Victorian children's books
selected from the library of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; an exhibition at the Bibliothèque royale Brussels, 29 Sept.-13 Nov. 1973
Engels | 108 pagina's | 1973
Gedrukt boek
John Rowe Townsend A sense of story
essays on contemporary writers for children
Engels | 216 pagina's | Longman, London | 1971
Gedrukt boek
Christopher Dyer School libraries
theory and practice
Engels | 181 pagina's | Bingley, London | 1970
Gedrukt boek
James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps The nursery rhymes of England
Engels | 252 pagina's | Bodley Head, London | 1970
Gedrukt boek
Catchpenny prints
163 popular engravings from the eighteenth century, originally published by Bowles and Carver
Engels | 163 pagina's | Dover Publications, New York | 1970
Gedrukt boek
Charles Dickens The loving ballad of Lord Bateman
Engels | 40 pagina's | Dent, London | 1969
Gedrukt boek
Only connect
readings on children's literature
Engels | 471 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Toronto [etc.] | 1969
Gedrukt boek
Roger Lancelyn Green Tellers of tales
children's books and their authors from 1880 to 1968; with a chronological table of famous children's books to the present day, and lists of titles by each author
Engels | 320 pagina's | Kaye & Ward, London | 1969
Gedrukt boek
Melvyn P. Barnes Youth library work
exploratory essays
Engels | 98 pagina's | Bingley, London | 1968
Gedrukt boek
Little Wide-Awake
an anthology from Victorian children's books and periodicals in the collection of Anne and Fernand G. Renier
Engels | 240 pagina's | Barker, London | 1967
Gedrukt boek
Mary F. Thwaite From primer to pleasure
an introduction to the history of children's books in England, from the invention of printing to 1900, with a chapter on some developments abroad
Engels | 318 pagina's | Library Association, London | 1963
Gedrukt boek
Marcus Crouch Treasure seekers and borrowers
children's books in Britain 1900-1960
Engels | 162 pagina's | Library Association, London | 1962
Gedrukt boek
Kathleen Lines Four to fourteen
a library of books for children
Lijst van aanbevolen Engelse kinderboeken, gepubliceerd na 1939.
Engels | 204 pagina's | Cambridge University press, Cambridge | 1950
Gedrukt boek
Ruth Thomson Shops
Leer de verschillende soorten winkels in Engeland kennen. Met veel kleurenfoto's en opdrachten. Vanaf ca. 7 tot 9 jaar.
Engels | 32 pagina's | Wayland, London | 2010
Gedrukt boek
A.J. Lake The circle of stone
Het is Elspeth niet gelukt om de duivelse god Loki te verslaan. Samen met de helderziende Edmund vlogt ze zijn spoor van brandstichting, vernietiging en verering. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Fictie | Historische roman
Engels | 295 pagina's | Bloomsbury, London | 2008
Gedrukt boek