Resultaat 41 - 42 (van 42)
Emmy Engberts Colour her
The Rainbow Collection, an LGBTQ+ pride flag themed makeup line, brings two unlikely girls together. Amber runs a semi-popular makeup channel. It combines the two things she loves best, makeup and sharing her passion. While talking face-to-face with people scares her, talking to a camera is much easier, it feels safer. That distance between herself and the people who watch her videos has always been right for her, until she meets a girl who makes her rethink that position. Mya is a girl of many interests,...
Engels | ePub2, 0,5 MB | 5 Times Chaos, Groningen | 2020
Aaltje van Zweden | Wil Koning Om wie je bent
Aaltje van Zweden, de vrouw van de beroemde dirigent Jaap van Zweden, beschrijft openhartig hoe ze omgaat met haar derde zoon, die autistisch is.
Nederlands | 164 pagina's (ePub2, 6,3 MB) | Ambo|Anthos, Amsterdam | 2017