Alles van: Koert ter Veen
Resultaat 1 - 3 (van 3)
Koert ter Veen Athos
Verslag van een aantal bezoeken aan het Griekse schiereiland Athos, dat bekend is door de vele kloosters.
Nederlands | 320 pagina's (PDF) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Koert ter Veen De tempeliers
afrekening met een legende
Beeld van het leven en de organisatie van de tempeliers, de monnik-soldaten uit de twaalfde, dertiende en veertiende eeuw.
Nederlands | 352 pagina's (PDF, 58 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Koert ter Veen The templars
laying a legend to rest
There is scarcely an historical subject which arouses the fantasy as much as the history of the secretive Order of the Temple. Although it has been disbanded for nearly 700 years, books continue to appear about these religious knights. In these books it is claimed that the Templars uncovered the grave of Jesus, that they were the discoverers of America and the guardians of the Turin Shroud or that they found the Holy Grail. There are also critical writings about the Templars. They were supposed to...
Engels | 328 pagina's (PDF, 3,6 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021